Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar. 将鼠标光标移向菜单栏。
You can customize the toolbar and menu bar at the top of the Eclipse window to your liking. 您可以根据需要自定义位于Eclipse窗口顶部的工具栏和菜单栏。
Click the Updater link on the menu bar. 单击菜单栏上的Updater链接。
Publishing the configuration files results in the same output as selecting Configuration> Publish from the menu bar. 发布配置文件导致的输出与选择菜单栏中的Configuration>Publish是一样的。
It contains things like the menu bar, toolbar, editor, and views. 它包含菜单栏、工具栏、编辑器和视图等内容。
The menu bar is implemented using the menubar widget of ZK. 菜单栏是使用ZK的menubar小部件实现的。
Select Query> Run from the menu bar or click the Run icon in the tool bar to execute the query. 从菜单栏中选择Query>Run或单击工具栏中的Run来执行查询。
Drag any scope element from the main menu bar onto the requirement. 从主菜单栏中拖动任意范围元素到需求上。
In the toolkit, select File> Import project from the menu bar. 在工具箱内,从菜单栏选择File>Importproject。
This RCP project will create the Frog Across River game in a GUI view that enables mouse and keyboard input on the menu bar and canvas. 此RCP项目将创建具有GUI视图的FrogAcrossRiver游戏,使其能够使用鼠标和键盘在菜单栏和画布上输入。
The ClearCase menu should now be visible in the top menu bar. 现在应可在顶部的菜单条中看到ClearCase菜单。
The toolbars and menu bar are configured on a per-perspective basis. 工具栏和菜单栏都是基于透视图配置的。
Click Help in the menu bar, then select Install new software. 单击菜单栏中的Help,然后选择Installnewsoftware。
Click on Tools on menu bar, and select Developer Tools in the pull down menu. 点击工具栏上的菜单,并选择下拉菜单在下拉开发工具。
From toolbars and menus, drag a menu bar shape onto the blank form shape, glue it to the bottom of the title bar, and then add menu items. 将“菜单栏”形状从“工具栏和菜单”拖到“空白窗体”形状中,将其粘附到标题栏的底部,然后添加菜单项。
Press ALT to select the menu bar. 按alt以选择菜单栏。
Within Excel, right-click on the main menu bar, and select the Control Toolbox toolbar. 在Excel内,使用鼠标右键单击主菜单栏,并选择ControlToolbox工具栏。
At the top of the window is, of course, a standard Windows "menu bar". 窗口的顶部当然是个标准的窗口“菜单栏”。
An application's menu bar and the commands it sends, are defined in its resource file. 程序的菜单条及其所发送的命令是定义在它的资源文件里面的。
Adds a menu bar to the command bar. 向命令栏中添加菜单栏。
There's a quick-access menu bar below the top menu. 在顶部菜单下面有一个可快速进入的菜单栏。
Each child frame of the main frame can have a different menu bar associated to it. 主框架中的每一个子框架都可以有一个不同的菜单栏与之关联。
To quickly access help, use the ask a question box on the menu bar. 要快速访问帮助文件,请使用菜单栏上的“提出问题”框。
Page inclusions enable you to add menu bar, company logo etc. to generate attractively looking result pages. 本页夹杂物,让你放入菜单栏,公司标志等,以产生美观看结果页面上。
You can also use this dialog box to customize the built-in menu bar and tool bars. 也可以使用该对话框自定义内置菜单栏和工具栏。
To complete the menu bar, add custom menus or built-in menus. 要完成菜单栏,请添加自定义菜单或内建菜单。
Select Help from the menu bar, and then About from the drop-down list. 选择有利于从菜单栏中,然后约从下拉式列表中。
You can customize the menu bar the same way you customize any built-in toolbar? 可以自定义菜单栏,其方法与自定义任何内置工具栏?一样。
Select the "show Input menu in menu bar" checkbox. 选择“在菜单栏中显示输入法菜单”注记格。
The menu bar in my computer is hidden all the time. 我电脑里的菜单栏一直处于隐藏状态。